Monday, March 19, 2012

Aloha is French for Hello!

You read that correctly.  Yesterday I was asked, "Dad, do you know how they say hello in France?" 

"No, how do you say hello in France?"


Ah yes.  The world according to our 6 year old.  What a funny kid.  There's no way this middle child is going to be invisible.  Report cards came out Friday.  And I don't really care what their grades/numbers really say unless there's something glaring.  We're not going to Harvard anyway.  (Heck, affording Southeastern Washington Central University will be a stretch.)  Bur her teacher commented, "Working on containing her enthusiasm at appropriate decibels" essentially.

What things do you believe with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength?  To what degree do you put it on the line?  Do you really believe "aloha" is French for hello?  Maybe you believe that electric cars are the answer to the world's oil crisis.  Maybe you believe corporate greed is killing our country.  Maybe you believe your kid is best off involved in four extra-curricular activities.  Perhaps you believe your best years are ahead of you.  Or you're convinced you blew an opportunity you'll never have again.

This month our Sunday school kids are learning about Conviction - believing and doing what's right even when others don't.  My hope is that I'm living out my conviction just like my kids hold on to theirs'.  My biggest conviction is that Jesus Christ is the hope of this world.  Even though people across the world have to walk hours everyday just to fetch water.  Even though that makes as much sense to some people as "Aloha" in France.  Even though people find more joy shopping for expensive clothes than attending a worship service.

It's 3 weeks to Easter - go to church that day.  Check it out.  Come to mine.  Go with a friend.  Bring a friend with you.  It's way more than bunnies, eggs, and fancy dresses.  Of this I am convinced.

Aloha! (That means good-bye...I'm sure of it.)

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Tooth Fairy and the Six Year Old

What's the greatest thing that's happened to you the past year:  an income tax return?  Your team won the big game?  You got a new job?  A vacation to Aruba?  Well if you ask a six-year-old, chances are they'll say...I mean shout, "I lost my tooth!"  It has been a topic for months.  That tooth slowly got more wiggly.  Slooooooowly.  And then it happened.  I heard a shriek from the other room that made dogs run and small children cry.  For five seconds I thought that she had broken a limb or a tresured toy.  Nope!  She lost a tooth.  It finally happened.

I was more relieved than anything that her reaction didn't accompany a wall splattered with blood.  It was the yelp of the century!  She raced into the room holding her newfound treasure with a smile that spanned ear to ear, if not beyond.

She was thrilled with the tooth fairy's note and the fact that the tooth fairy was purple - yes, a weird tradition requiring food coloring and water.  (Thanks a LOT Jeff and Katie.)

What her mom and I love about her is that constant enthusiasm for life.  It's often the Kindergarten way. 

For example, "Dad, is there school tomorrow?" 
"Yes, honey."

Or..."Mom, is tomorrow Saturday?"
"Yes, dear."

We're thrilled about birthday parties and going to McDonald's is the equivalent of winning the Boston Marathon.  I pray she NEVER loses that excitement.